Platform for Primary School Teachers

Workshop | Why Don't They Come to Play?

Provider: Tessel van der Linde Onderwijsadvies
Elementary school Workshop | Why Don't They Come to Play?

Not available


€125 per person.

Many teachers create beautiful corners and find playing important, but see in their own group that many children do not play the game they had in mind. How come? How can you make it run better?

With this workshop I inspire teachers to look critically at themes; what do you pay attention to when choosing a theme? We will discuss the difference between thematic learning and thematizing.

We will then look further at aspects that are important for children to achieve role play and how you as a teacher can contribute to this.

Finally, I will give you a number of ideas for themes in which the game and game development are central.

The costs are € 125 per person for a workshop of maximum 2 hours. You will receive an invoice prior to the workshop. As soon as you have received this, your participation is final.

Eduye Product ID: 38950

Price and shipping costs are indicative. Please click on the buy button to see the exact price.

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