Platform for Primary School Teachers

Workshop | Endless Fun With Loose Materials

Price on request
Provider: Speelmakers
Elementary school Workshop | Endless Fun With Loose Materials

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Do you want children to create their own play environment even more? With simple materials that you can find everywhere? Then immerse yourself in the magic of ‘loose parts play’.

Imagine… stones become dinosaur eggs, pipes become marble runs, branches become spoons for the witches’ soup! ‘Loose parts play’ – playing with loose materials – makes children the architects of their own play environment and puts them in charge of their own play. Discover the power of open-ended materials that children fill in, collect, move and discover themselves.


Discover how to use loose materials to encourage children to engage in intense and varied play.

What Do You Learn

You broaden your view on playing with loose materials.
You discover more playing opportunities that really start from children themselves.
You get inspiration, practical tips and get to work a lot yourself. This way you learn by doing and you feel what works and why!

For whom

Supervisors in childcare/after-school care, teachers, playground staff, parents.

Eduye Product ID: 38965

Price and shipping costs are indicative. Please click on the buy button to see the exact price.

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