Platform for Primary School Teachers

Training | Making Science S&T Expert Training

Provider: Wismon
Elementary school Training | Making Science S&T Expert Training

Not available


€ 275, - per participant per training course (exempt from VAT).

Looking for depth in your Science & Engineering lessons? Meet Engineering, a hands-on teaching method for inquiry-based and design-based learning. Surprisingly fun and easy!

In Brief

As a subject teacher, S&T expert or technology coordinator, you help students develop 21st-century skills on a daily basis. Creativity, problem-solving skills and cooperation are central to your lessons. Would you like to become more proficient in teaching these skills? Then the course Homemaking S&T Expert is for you.

The course consists of ten themes, such as sound, electricity, irrigation and satellites. We recommend that you first take the basic training, in which you learn all about the didactics of the method using the theme sound. Are you already familiar with Linguistics? Then you can start right away with the expert training. The expert training courses cover all themes, spread over three sessions of 3.5 hours each. You get the most out of the training when you register for the entire course, but you can also follow separate expert training sessions. The order in which you follow the expert courses is irrelevant.

Personal Counseling

The training is designed so that we can guide your learning in the best possible way. At each session, you will receive a teaching-learning session before and after the training. You practice implementing specific modules under supervision. We also cover a didactic theme in each session, such as subject integration (e.g. math), S&T for all students and concept development within S&T.


The training is suitable for subject teachers, S&T experts and technology coordinators. In this individual training we assume that the teacher has a foundation in S&T and inquiry and design-based learning.


Both the basic training and all expert training sessions last 3.5 hours.


Basic training: the basics of Fabrication using the theme of sound.
Expert training part 1: Electricity, equilibrium and satellites.
Expert training part 2: Floating & sinking, irrigation and forces.
Expert training part 3: Chemistry, content measures and insulation.

What Will You Learn During This Training?

What Social Engineering is;
How to apply the design and research cycle of Maakkunde;
The subject matter content of the Making Science teaching modules;
How to provide the teaching methods in a teacher-led or student-led way;
The different mentoring roles in inquiry-based learning;
The stereotypical roles in S&T and how to break them;
How to differentiate so that you can appeal to all students' talents;
How to use Social Studies in a cross-curricular and integrated way.

Practical information

Location and Dates

De training wordt gegeven in het innovatieve demo-Techlab van WisMon in Utrecht (Lucasbolwerk 15, 3512 EH Utrecht).

Teaching Materials

Het gratis lesmateriaal van Maakkunde kun je gebruiken op de manier die het beste bij je past. Kies een van de thema’s en ga direct aan de slag.

Gebruik het materiaal zoals jij wil
Maakkunde bestaat uit tien thema’s. Elk thema bestaat uit twee modules: een voor klas 1-4 en voor klas 5-8. Op iedere modulepagina staat:
Leerkrachtenhandleiding: neemt je stap voor stap mee door alle lessen van de module.
Digibordlessen: ga direct aan de slag met de kant-en-klare digibordles.
Uitgelichte elementen: geef je les zelf vorm met behulp van de uitgelichte elementen.
Downloads: de handleiding, werkbladen en benodigdhedenlijst.
Korte activiteiten: om een W&T-activiteit uit te proberen.
Bekijk het lesmateriaal op

Je krijgt verder een halfjaar lang toegang tot ons online leerplatform Leapo, waar je volop lesmateriaal vindt over Maakkunde, maar ook over vele andere thema’s en leermiddelen!

Eduye Product ID: 38972

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