Lesson Sequence | Team Building Activity
Lesson/Unit Topic: TEAMWORK!
Subject: Elementary Guidance, School Counseling Lessons
Target Grade: 3rd-6th grades
Author: Loyce Ellingrod
Lesson Description: This unit is for elementary students grades 3-6. Activities build on cooperation, encouraging communication, team building skills, and participation. The unit includes 4 lessons with a reflection worksheet at the end. These can be used in classroom settings, group counseling, lunch bunch groups or guidance lessons.
Learning Goals/Outcomes:
• Students will define team building skills and what teamwork is.
• Students will participate in a variety of team building activities.
• Students will demonstrate using encouraging words with their team members.
• Students will demonstrate personal safety when participating in activities.
• Students will determine why listening skills are needed for effective teamwork.
Teacher Planning
• Equipment/materials needed: computer, TV or Smartboard; whiteboard, markers, supplies for variety of games (check each day’s activity)
colored pencils, 8x11 white paper, worksheet
• Time required for lesson: 4-5 days--30 minute sessions
Instructional Plan
Introduction: With elbow partners or assigned partners, have students list any “teams” they know. As a group they will share their lists. How do they know these are “teams”? On board, list 5 characteristics of a team (example: more than 1 person, common goal, work together to win a game, help each other etc.)
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Lesson Sequence | Team Building Activity
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