Lesson Sequence | I Can Manage My Anger
Objective: Students will recognize the emotions anger and frustration, identify the strength of the emotion by matching it to a visual chart, and design a calming strategy.
Student Statement: “I can express my anger/frustration without hurting myself or others.”
Resources/Materials Needed:
● “When Sophie Gets Angry, Really, Really, Angry” by, Molly Bang.
● Chart Paper
● Markers
● 5-4-3-2-1 emotion level badge
Lesson Plan Part 1: Thinking About Anger
● Essential Question 1: What makes you really angry? Think of a time when you were really angry.
● Give students purposeful private reasoning time. Have them share with a partner.
● Essential Question 2: How did the anger feel in your body?
● Ask student volunteers to share out. Elicit responses that answer how it looked, sounded, felt etc. Add pictures/words to whole group chart paper.
● Essential Question 3: What did you do about your anger?
● Invite student responses and listen without comments. Students will evaluate their own actions after listening to the story.
For further information pleas visit The Heritage Institute website.
Lesson Sequence | I Can Manage My Anger
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