Platform for Primary School Teachers

Lesson Package | Complete Moving Learning Lesson Package

Provider: 321Start!
Elementary school Lesson Package | Complete Moving Learning Lesson Package

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321Start! Lesson Package

Moving learning 321Start! package has been specially developed for children to learn through physical movement. The combination of lesson letters, supported by matching game instructions, ensures concrete translation of the lesson material from inside to outside. The package consists of 6 game methods, 3 working methods per game method, 3 learning objectives per working method (1x lower grade, 1x middle grade and 1x upper grade). A total of 54 ways to learn while moving outdoors in a versatile and surprising way!

By applying lessons while moving on the schoolyard, a dynamic game is created between theoretical material and insight through movement. Learn by moving! Movement, social interaction, collaboration, discovery, experience, insight and experience ensure that children better understand and apply the lessons. Better understanding stimulates children's curiosity to want to learn more.

By linking learning and exercise in a smart way, learning remains fun and teaching becomes fun! This implicitly ensures better learning performance, or better opportunities for every child.

The 321Start! lesson package is:
- complete and ready-made
- method independent
- flexible and accessible
- for all groups and all disciplines
- attention to total development: motor,
social-emotional, and cognitive
- playing and learning outside
- fun for teacher and student!

Eduye Product ID: 38783

Price and shipping costs are indicative. Please click on the buy button to see the exact price.

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