Lesson Idea | Vaping: The EX-Files Grade 5
Vaping is an emerging health concern, drawing children and youth into nicotine addiction. Vaping: The EX-Files has been developed to complement the existing provincial grade 5 Health Curriculum outcomes. Existing outcomes introduce smoking and its harmful effects on the circulatory and respiratory systems. To be effective, the existing smoking and health unit should be completed first, and then this vaping information can follow. This additional lesson and its activities are intended to examine vaping and enable grade 5 students to understand how e-cigarettes (vapes) work, recognize that both regular cigarettes and vaping can cause nicotine addiction, identify health risks to body organs and systems, and to examine some marketing techniques of the vaping industry.
Learning Outcome(s)
Students will:
- Identify vaping as a source of nicotine that can lead to addiction.
- Recognize that vaping products harm body organs and systems.
- Examine some marketing techniques used by vaping companies.
- Explore some refusal skills as tools to use to resist vaping.
An initial PowerPoint presentation Vaping: The EX-Files – Let’s EXAMINE Vaping – An Introduction, has been provided to introduce content that builds upon the Grade 4 lesson, links to grade 5 curriculum outcomes, and provides essential information about vaping. Following the initial presentation, teachers are encouraged to follow with the PowerPoint Game: VAPING: The EX- Files – Let’s EXAMINE Vaping, to expand on key messages. This activity has been duplicated as a Kahoot Game but does require wifi and chrome books or ipads.
A reading comprehension activity is intended to follow - How to Refuse a Vape From Friends to highlight refusal techniques. A set of 2 student worksheets are provided to reiterate and reinforce key messages, which may be used for evaluation and assessment at your discretion. A second game-style activity, Fact Block, can be used as part of this sequence immediately or at a
later time as a second opportunity to review and highlight key messages.
For further information, please visit Alliance for the Control of Tobacco website.
Lesson Idea | Vaping: The EX-Files Grade 5
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