Platform for Primary School Teachers

Lesson Idea | Tree Planting (Junior)

Provider: Science Rendezvous
Elementary school Lesson Idea | Tree Planting (Junior)

Grade Levels: Junior (3-5)
Subject: Science
Topic: This multi-lesson plan starts with students germinating seeds in their classroom. Over the course of the school year, they will learn about the tree planting/growth process through observation of and caring for a live tree with eventual transfer of their seeds into the ground.

Learning Goals

Students will be able to understand the life cycle of a tree. They will learn to nurture and care for a plant throughout its growth. Students will use their observation skills to track the progress of their tree’s growth.

Materials Needed

- Seeds
- Medium sized pots with drainage holes and trays
- Potting soil
- Watering cans
- Measuring tapes (or rulers)
- Shovels
- Optional: journals, cameras, and charts/graphs

Minds On (Activating Prior Knowledge)

Before You Plant:
- Decide if you are going to plant one tree as a class, one per student, or one per group of students.
- Find a location where you could plant your tree. Check with your school’s principal, local conservation areas, etc.
- It is best to plant a tree where it has space to grow. Your tree should be at least 8 meters away from overhead power lines. Also consider other objects in the area that could interfere with the tree’s growth and daily life (other trees, play equipment, fences, etc.).
- Check with local authorities before you dig. Be sure you won’t hit any utility lines!
- If you are going to plant multiple trees, make sure your area has enough space for multiple trees to grow.

It would be a good idea to get students involved in these processes! First, get students to brainstorm areas they could plant. For every place they suggest, ask:

- What will happen if the tree grows tall?
- What will happen if the roots grow wide?
- Is the tree going to be in anyone’s way there?
- Will there be enough space for multiple trees to grow?

Take students on walks around the yard or somewhere else you are thinking of planning to find the “perfect” spot to plant. They could create a “tree planting proposal” as an assessment. They must draw a map of a spot they think would be good for planting and write why they think a tree would grow successfully there. They must consider certain factors, such as power lines, fences, etc.

For further information, please visit Science Rendezvous website.

Lesson Idea | Tree Planting (Junior)

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