Platform for Primary School Teachers

Lesson Idea | Team Roles by Teresa Klein

Provider: BetterLesson
Elementary school Lesson Idea | Team Roles by Teresa Klein

Grade Level

Fifth grade


English / Language Arts
community responsibility
Classroom Management
Classroom Culture and Climate
Classroom Set-Up


45 Minutes


SWBAT perform a team job to support each other in their table group and our classroom community

Big Idea

Shared Responsibility based on individual accountability


15 minutes
Teaching Point: Table Groups are more effective when students work together effectively because each person in the group has a job. Today you will brainstorm with other students to create a list of things you can say in your team role.

Explain to the students that each person in the group will be assigned a role. The 4 roles are:
Time keeper

You state, "Today, you will start performing a special job as part of your table groups. Each of you will have a job. Managers will be in charge of getting materials and passing them out. Leaders will be in charge of leading the activity, keeping focus, and starting and ending discussions. Timekeepers will let the group know how much time they have left to complete a task, and encouragers will say things to support and motivate group members to do their best work, feel valued, and stay engaged."

You continue, "This year, each of you has a number on your desk, and these numbers will be used to assign particular tasks. Today, the same method will be used. Number ones at each group will be the managers, number twos will be the leaders, number threes will be the timekeepers, and number fours will be the encouragers. In a moment, you will meet with all the other students who have the same number as you. This is called an expert group because you will work together to create a chart of what you might say and do in your new role."

You provide further instructions: "I have titled the top of an anchor chart for you with your team job/team role. You will meet in your expert group for about 15 minutes to make your poster. While in your group, decide how you are going to take turns so that everyone's ideas are written on the chart. After you have completed your chart, each expert group will share their chart with the whole class."

You ask, "Are there any questions before we begin?" (You answer any student questions.) "If you have questions while working, raise your hand, and a teacher will come to your group to assist."

Students are dismissed to work in their expert groups to create their posters.

Expert Groups

15 minutes
Working together- taking turns
Have the titled anchor charts and a bin of markers on four table groups so students can generate ideas about what they can say and do in their team jobs. Students will take turns and capture their ideas by writing them on the chart.

You will circulate between the groups coaching them on sharing, taking turns, asking questions to deepen their thinking, and giving them positive feedback on their ideas about things they can do and say to their team members in their roles of managers, encouragers, leaders, and time keepers.

Whole Group Share

15 minutes
Tell students they have 5 minutes to finish up before everyone will gather on the rug to see and hear the charts each group made to share the things each person might say and do in their jobs of encourager, manager, leader, and time keeper.

Gather students on the rug for whole group share. You will ask that students to sit together with their expert group. The encouragers will sit together, the managers, the leaders, and the time keepers. You will coach student to be ready to share an idea off of the chart they created. To reinforce and build speaking and listening skills, you will ask for students to repeat what their classmate shares.

After all four groups share, you will dismiss students back to their original table groups. Now, at each of the seven tables their is one leader, one encourager, one time keeper and one manager. Students will be ready to support one another as they work on tasks because each student will be accountable for a particular job making the table group function as a group. In the coming lessons you can call on students to work together using their skills learned today. Students will maintain their roles for one week. Then on the following Monday, the roles will rotate within the table groups so that each student will have the opportunity to perform each of the four roles.

Lesson Idea | Team Roles by Teresa Klein

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