Platform for Primary School Teachers

Lesson Idea | Substance Abuse Prevention

Provider: Health Smart Virginia
Elementary school Lesson Idea | Substance Abuse Prevention


- The student will describe the consequences of substance abuse
- The student will investigate prevention strategies for substance abuse
- The student will create a product to educate others on substance abuse


- Performance Task: Substance Abuse Prevention Performance Task Steps
- Review the steps of the performance task before introducing it to your students.
- Pass out a copy of the performance task to each student and review the expectations. Provide a due date.
- Once their projects are complete, each group will present to the class. Decide if you want the groups to present to another 4th or 5th grade class.

Substance Abuse Prevention Performance Task

Imagine that the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs has started to become a problem at your school. Fourth and fifth grade students are beginning to experiment and the temptation to try is high. Your mission is to create a presentation to educate other students on the consequences of tobacco, alcohol, and another drug. Complete each step of the performance task and use the rubric to guide you.

For further information, please visit Health Smart Virginia website.

Lesson Idea | Substance Abuse Prevention

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Eduye Product ID: 41387

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