Lesson Idea | Classroom Activities for Sustainability
The Sustainable Earth website offers a variety of classroom activities designed to promote sustainability education. Notably, several resources are tailored specifically for grades 3-8, providing educators with tools to engage students in meaningful environmental learning.
Nature Lab for Educators: Grades 3–8
In partnership with The Nature Conservancy, Sustainable Earth provides Nature Lab resources aimed at helping students learn the science behind how nature works and how we can help keep it running strong. These guides include videos and hands-on projects to explore nature within their communities:
Week 1: Provide Food and Water Sustainably – Explores how food and water can be sourced while protecting our planet.
Week 2: Tackle Climate Change – Focuses on learning about various nature-based solutions to the climate crisis and individual actions to help improve the world.
Week 3: Build Healthy Cities – Examines how nature-based solutions can help build and maintain healthy, sustainable cities.
Week 4: Land and Water Conservation – Teaches the importance of conserving land and water resources for a more promising future.
These resources provide educators with a comprehensive toolkit to engage students in sustainability topics, fostering environmental awareness and responsibility among grades 3-8 learners.
Lesson Idea | Classroom Activities for Sustainability
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Sustainable Earth shares sustainability news, ideas, and science in a simple way. A team at ASU runs it with support from Wells Fargo to help people make small changes for a cleaner planet.
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