Platform for Primary School Teachers

Game | Fractions Measures

Provider: Beweegspellen
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Elementary school Game | Fractions Measures

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Movement game Fractions Mates is a game where students in grades 7 and 8 practice simplifying and equating fractions.

This game focuses on the cooperative work form Mix & Pair. The players receive a card with a fraction on it. They look for a player with an “even number,” e.g. 1/8 and 3/24.

This game contains 48 different cards, ranging from the fraction 1/3 to 1/8. There are several variations of each fraction in the game. Players sometimes have to simplify the fraction on their card in order to compare it.

This game is preferably played on the (school) square so that there is plenty of room for the players to move around. If you want to add extra movement, set up (possibly together with the players) a movement trail through which players first have to pass before they are allowed to look for their fraction buddy.

Dimensions: 10 x 7 x 2.5 cm(3.94 × 2.76 × 0.98 inches).

Eduye Product ID: 38831

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