Course | Using Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom
The price listed is for a monthly subscription.
Course type: Self-paced
Available Lessons: 55
Average Lesson Length: 8 min
Eligible for Certificate: Yes
Certificates show that you have completed the course. They do not provide credit.
Course Summary
Students with learning disabilities or special needs often require accommodations such as differentiated instruction. This set of video lessons analyzes various differentiated instruction strategies and presents you with a number of options for implementing this instructional method in your classroom.
Ch 1. Understanding Differentiated Instruction
Ch 2. Principles of Differentiated Instruction
Ch 3. Planning & Designing Differentiated Instruction
Ch 4. Student Characteristics in Differentiated Instruction
Ch 5. Strategies for Adapting to Learner Needs
Ch 6. Managing Differentiated Classrooms
Ch 7. Strategies for Differentiating Instruction
Ch 8. Technology as an Instructional Tool
Ch 9. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction
About This Course
This course introduces the ideas behind differentiated instruction and some strategies on how you can use it with your students. It will also show you how to use technology to supplement your teachings and record your observations for future reference. The videos in these chapters let you review the material at your own pace, but still keep you on a steady course through the material.
How It Works
The video lessons in this course demonstrate how you can plan a set of differentiated instruction lesson plans for your classes. After watching each chapter, you will have a multitude of tools at your disposal for focusing on the needs of your students. This course includes the following features:
- Transcripts of video lessons to easily review key ideas or classroom activities
- Timelines to conveniently focus on areas of your choice
- Lesson quizzes to track your progress on various ways of differentiated instruction
- Chapter exams to monitor how well you are remembering the material
- A final exam to determine if you are ready to use differentiated instruction in your own classroom
How It Helps
- Focuses on students: These lessons teach you how to place the emphasis on your students to promote both classroom and individual learning and success.
- Creates learning experiences: Knowing about current technology tools you can use in your classroom can help you develop rich learning experiences that keep your students engaged.
- Gives options: Learning about the menu strategy, cubing strategy and the tic-tac-toe strategy can give you ideas and options for implementing differentiated instruction in your classroom.
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Course | Using Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom
- Paid
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