Course | Upskilling Our Students for the 21st Century Workplace
The price listed is for one year. Other pricing options are available for this course:
Monthly: $29.99/month
District: Available upon request
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Reba Gordon Matthews
Reba Gordon Matthews is an educational consultant with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, a freelance coach and instructional designer. She has over 20 years of teaching experience and holds master’s degrees in instructional design and educational technology. Reba is also the co-founder and executive director of The Jamal Gordon Hill Foundation. This organization supports at-risk young people with academic tutoring, technology training, and college scholarships.
The need for the education system to upskill and train our students for the vast impact that globalization and technological innovations have had on the workplace existed long before the world stopped for coronavirus. Join Reba Gordon Matthews for this time-saving, to-the-point session as she discusses why many Generation Z graduates feel their education is not adequately preparing them for today’s careers. You will also learn the importance of embedding project-based experiences to help students upskill and develop the most in-demand 21st-century skills.
Explore why many Generation Z graduates feel their education is not adequately preparing them for today’s careers.
Discover the importance of embedding project-based experiences to help students upskill and develop the most in-demand 21st-century skills.
Participants will join a collaborative backchannel chat and discuss ways to upskill our students to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion.
CEU 0.5.
Unit may be available for this training and may vary by country or institution. Please verify eligibility with SimpleK12.
Course | Upskilling Our Students for the 21st Century Workplace
- Paid
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