Course | Understanding Dsylexia
The price listed is for 1 person at £24.50/year + VAT (£4.90). An additional pricing option is available for this Understanding Dyslexia course for more than 10 persons (yearly £18.50 per person).
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A Short Course to Quickly Learn the Basics of Dyslexia
Learn how to identify it, and how to help. Did you know that between 10-20% of students have dyslexia? This short course has 30 videos that include essential information you need to know about dyslexia. The videos are only 2-3 minutes long, so the information is easy to understand.
The training videos provide practical classroom strategies. Each section is followed by a short quiz to test knowledge. The training can be done on a smartphone, tablet or computer.
The course takes about 3 hours but can be completed in bitesize chunks. A certificate is awarded when the course is completed.
Course Modules
Level 1
1. Dyslexia Basics
Video 1: Understanding Dyslexia - 5 facts
Video 2: Dyslexia Myths
Video 3: Signs of dyslexia ages 5-7
Video 4: Signs of dyslexia ages 8+
2. Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
Video 1: What is phonological and phonemic awareness?
Video 2: What are the difficulties?
Video 3: 6 Helpful strategies
3. Working Memory
Video 1: What is working memory?
Video 2: What are the difficulties?
Video 3: Strategies to help working memory
Video 4: Test your working memory
4. Executive Function and RAN
Video 1: Dyslexia and vision
Video 2: Executive Function
Video 3: Rapid Automatic Naming
5. Auditory Processing
Video 1: What is an auditory processing difficulty?
Video 2: What are the difficulties?
Video 3: Helpful strategies
6. Teaching Children with Dyslexia
Video 1: An Effective Teaching Approach for Dyslexia
Video 2: Helpful Strategies for Dyslexia
Video 3: The Science of Reading
Level 2
7. Understanding Phonics
Video 1: Understanding Phonics
Video 2: How to Teach Phonics
Video 3: Phonemic Awareness
8. How to Teach Reading and Spelling
Video 1: How to Teach Reading
Video 2: Decoding
Video 3: How to Teach Spelling
9. CVC
Video 1: CVC Explained
10. Tricky Words
Video 1: Tricky Words
11. Syllable Awareness
Video 1: Syllable Awareness
Video 2: Syllable Types
Video 3: Syllable Division
- Internet
- Works best with Google Chrome
- Compatible with most mobile devices iPad 5 and newer
Course | Understanding Dsylexia
- Paid
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