Course | Teaching Information Literacy With Primary Sources
University of Wisconsin-Stout’s online Teaching Information Literacy With Primary Sources course will give you practical strategies to use in the classroom. You will learn methods to encourage your students to ask questions, stimulate their creativity, and build their media literacy skills.
University of Wisconsin-Stout’s Teaching Information Literacy Course Includes How to
Locate, critique, and incorporate quality multimedia primary sources in your content.
Integrate learning activities to build new understandings from varied information primary sources.
Enhance your curriculum to support differentiated instruction.
You will learn research-based practices and practical approaches for incorporating primary sources in your curriculum to help students acquire critical thinking and information literacy skills.
The University of Wisconsin-Stout invites you to enroll in their Information Literacy course to meet your professional development goals if you need a license renewal, graduate credits, or just a refresher course.
Online course
University of Wisconsin-Stout’s online Information Literacy course allows you to complete your weekly assignments as they best fit your schedule. All discussion postings and projects are submitted online.
Readings are provided online. The University of Wisconsin-Stout incorporates digital primary sources from The Library of Congress (LOC), the LOC's professional development program, and the Digital Public Library of America.
The Students Include
K-12 teachers
Community college, higher education, and continuing education faculty
Higher ed librarians and K-12 school library media specialists
National History Day educators
Teachers of Advanced Placement classes and core content area teachers
Educators addressing disciplinary literacy, state and national standards requiring the use of primary sources
Educators incorporating inquiry and informational text reading skills, and those working with National History Day activities.
This course is an approved elective in the Master of Science in Education online degree program.
2 semester hours of graduate credit.
Credit may be available for this course and may vary by country or institution. Please verify eligibility with University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Course | Teaching Information Literacy With Primary Sources
- Paid
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