Course | NoFakeNews: Teaching Information Literacy
This is a 3-credit/45-hour course.
Develop lessons that help students evaluate online sources.
Create a classroom where students are active participants in the learning process.
Explore available online tools to teach research literacy.
Part of
ACT 48 Approved Courses (Pennsylvania)
Boise State University
Colorado State University
Instructional Technology
Michigan SCECH Approved Courses
Social Studies
Course Description
When students of today are asked to research something, a few things might happen, sometimes simultaneously:
Students will struggle to choose their own research topic and browse for ideas.
Students take a stance before researching and get frustrated when sources don’t fit their argument.
Out of desperation, students rely on less credible sources.
Students are reluctant to go beyond Google and become overwhelmed by information choices and quantities.
Students find it difficult to find the right words when searching for information online.
Students aren't aware of the need to search again and again, refining their searches as they discover new questions and synthesize new information. Most likely, your student will give up and choose a different topic.
This course will help both you and your students navigate the many credible databases that exist, learn search terms, feel confident in research, and eliminate the #fakenews and plagiarism that students so often fall victim to when the research process becomes overwhelming or hits a dead end.
Enrollment Details
Credit Type: Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment as a credit type is for in-service credit.
Interested in Graduate Credits? Contact Customizable Professional Development to check your eligibility today!
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