Course | Increasing Motivation & Self Esteem in Students
The price listed is for Credit 400/500. An additional pricing option is available for this course at $195 for Clock/PDU/CEU/ACT 48.
For further information, please visit The Heritage Institute website.
Michael Sedler
M.S.W., D. Min.
This course emphasizes the critical nature of self-esteem in each person. According to Abraham Maslow, self-esteem is one of the basic needs we have in our life. It is the pillar on which we are built. Too often, schools see children with low esteem that then interferes with their education. By examining motivational theory and strategies, we will find ways to increase the self-esteem and motivation in children. In addition to examining your own behavior style, each educator will learn successful ways of planning for a student’s success. This class will quickly illustrate ways to make a difference in your school and classroom.
Through hands-on applications within the schools, reading materials, and analyzing case studies, each student will be able to develop effective strategies for students.
This course is designed to be effective for all P-12 educators, regardless of teaching level or job description.
Learning Outcomes
Stated the aspects of positive self-esteem.
Recognized aspects of depression and low self-image that may lead to peer problems.
Developed activities to increase self-esteem in students.
Analyzed and synthesized aspects of motivational theory and strategies.
Investigated their own areas of self-esteem to find areas of personal growth.
Listed, analyzed, and developed a plan for supporting students in the area of motivation.
No. of credits: 3 quarter credits (semester equivalent = 2.00 credits).
Hours Earned:
Completing the basic assignments (Section A. Information Acquisition) for this course automatically earns participants their choice of CEUs (Continuing Education Units), Washington State Clock Hours, Oregon PDUs, or Pennsylvania ACT 48 Hours. The Heritage Institute offers CEUs and is an approved provider of Washington State Clock Hours, Oregon PDUs, and Pennsylvania ACT 48 Hours.
Credit may be available for this course and may vary by country or institution. Please verify eligibility with The Heritage Institute.
Course | Increasing Motivation & Self Esteem in Students
- Paid
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