Course | Differentiation
£30 per month.
Differentiation – Online Teacher CPD
Differentiation remains a crucial aspect of classroom practice. Sometimes called adaptive teaching, differentiation is fundamentally about how we as teachers meet the needs of all our learners, ensuring everyone experiences a high level of challenge and makes great progress, whatever their starting point.
Through Mike’s Effective Teaching and Learning CPD platform, schools and teachers around the world have access to high-quality training that includes hundreds of practical strategies and techniques to support learning. Over 24,000 teachers from 1,500 schools already have access to the platform.
Individual users can sign up to Mike Gershon’s CPD platform for as little as £30 for a monthly membership.
Through Mike Gershon’s three unique courses, Mike will help you to rethink your approach to differentiation, recognize your strengths, and give you new strategies, techniques, and ways of thinking that you can apply in your day-to-day teaching:
Rethinking Differentiation
Differentiated Questioning
Strategies and Techniques to Support Less-Able Learners
Each course consists of ten videos, presented by Mike, focussing on the practical strategies and techniques you can use to effectively meet the needs of all the learners you teach. Courses are around two hours in length. At the end of each, you can download your personal certificate of completion. Everything is accessible on sign-up, meaning no unlocking and no need to wait for course elements to become available. Mike Gershon provides teachers with maximum flexibility, letting you fit the courses around your needs and ensuring you get the most out of them.
Here’s an Overview of What Each Course Covers
Rethinking Differentiation
Rethinking Differentiation is our starting point. Here, Mike gives you his take on differentiation, emphasizing the idea of the teacher being the most important resource in the room and introducing you to the five categories of differentiation. This course will help simplify your approach to differentiation without increasing your workload:
Rethinking Differentiation
Subdividing Differentiation
Course Workbook Overview & Activity 1
Differentiating Activities
Differentiating Questioning
Things the Teacher Can Do
Things Learners Can Do or Use
Differentiating Words and Writing
Activity 2
Course Summary and Next Steps
In Differentiated Questioning, Mike leads you through a range of techniques you can use to maximize the impact of your questioning. He shares techniques you can use to tailor questioning for all learners, whether that involves simplifying your questioning or increasing the level of challenge:
Differentiated Questioning
Structuring Tools
Course Workbook Overview & Activity 1
Whole-Class Questioning
Inverting Questioning
Eliciting Responses
Hinge Questioning
Socratic Questioning
Activity 2
Course Summary and Next Steps
Strategies and Techniques to Support Less-Able Learners explore a variety of tools you can use to help learners who might be struggling, as well as those who might need an extra level of support in your lessons. Mike looks at this aspect of differentiation from a number of angles, giving you plenty of practical strategies to use in your classroom:
Differentiating for Less-Able Learners
Scaffolding Learning
The Frayer Model
Course Workbook Overview & Activity 1
SOLO Taxonomy
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Psychomotor Taxonomy
Peer Tutoring
Activity 2
Course Summary and Next Steps
Course | Differentiation
- Paid
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