Course | Classroom Strategies for Inquiry-Based Learning
Kelli Allen
Clinical Assistant Professor, UTeach. University of Texas at Austin
Shelly Rodriguez
Clinical Associate Professor, UTeach. University of Texas at Austin
About This Course
Inquiry-based learning aims to increase student engagement by helping learners develop hands-on, minds-on skills. This education and teacher training course explores the 5E instructional model and its uses in the classroom. You will have the opportunity to learn from videos of classroom teachers modeling a 5E lesson and access teacher commentary as they use inquiry-based strategies with their students. As a result, you will develop the skills and strategies needed to implement inquiry-based instruction in your own classroom.
An inquiry-based approach honors the complex work of learning. It prioritizes the knowledge and experience that students bring to the classroom and it promotes active problem-solving, communication, and the shared construction of new ideas. Inquiry-based instruction is the foundation for the UTeach model. This education course serves as a useful introduction to this approach.
At a Glance
Institution: UTAustinX
Subject: Education & Teacher Training
Level: Introductory
Prerequisites: None
Language: English
Video transcript: English
Associated skills: Communication, problem-solving, student engagement, teacher education
What You'll Learn
Understand the philosophy behind inquiry-based instruction
Learn the elements of the 5E instructional model
Obtain strategies and tools from master teachers for implementing inquiry-based instruction
Discover the benefits of inquiry-based instruction for students
Create a learning guide to use when implementing inquiry-based instruction in the classroom
Week 1: Engagement
Week 2: Exploration
Week 3: Explanation
Week 4: Elaboration
Week 5: Evaluation
For further information, please visit edX website.
Course | Classroom Strategies for Inquiry-Based Learning
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