Course | Classroom Management Makeover
The price listed reflects a one-time payment. An additional pricing option is available for this course at $48 (2 Monthly Installments).
For further information, please visit Teacher Trap website.
Kady helps new and experienced teachers like YOU discover the simple and effective strategies for creating well-run classrooms where students thrive, learning abounds, and behavior problems disappear.
With expert skills, renewed confidence, and a powerful toolbox of ready-to-go resources, you can lead your classroom with grace and ease!
Stress-Free Strategies for Dramatic Results!
It's Time for RELIEF
- Overwhelmed with the demands of teaching?
- Frustrated with student behavior?
- Tired of “solutions” that just make more work for YOU?
- Teaching has gotten harder, especially classroom management, and many of the old tried-and-true methods just don’t work like they once did. But simple shifts and small changes can bring you BIG RESULTS!
Happy Teacher, Happy Kids
This isn’t just a fantasy! Picture it…
- a classroom that seems to run itself
- students who are motivated, respectful, and cooperative problem-SOLVERS
- a happy place where learning is the focus, kindness is the standard, and teaching feels fun
A Classroom Management Course Like Nothing You've Seen Before!
This power-packed course is a breath of fresh air for elementary teachers. Get the dynamic tools and unique strategies you need to love teaching again, all for less than the cost of a one-hour massage. Enjoy the relief and results every single day, for years to come!
Less Work, Better Results
Classroom Management Makeover is an ONLINE, SELF-PACED course designed to get you dramatic results with ease.
- Print-and-go classroom tools
- On-demand video workshops
- Easy and effective strategies
- 2 special Bonus Courses (when you sign up today)
Strategies That WORK!
This classroom management course is about using strategies that make LESS work for the teacher while getting BETTER results! You won’t find any complicated reward and punishment systems here.
- No clip charts
- No point systems
- No tickets, bucks, or coupons
What You Get When You Enroll Today
- Step-by-step video workshops that teach you exactly how to get better student behavior every single day, plus all the resources you need to create the classroom of your dreams.
- Ready-to-go classroom materials, how-to guides, and cheat sheets to make the entire process easy, fun, and stress-free. Over $128 in printable materials alone!
- 2 special Bonus Courses (when you sign up today): "The Tough Kid Toolbox" and "From Compliant to Committed".
Makeover Magic!
Reframe your thinking about classroom management and student behavior as you learn powerful skills for instant results!
1. Seamless systems to help your classroom run itself!
2. Stress-relieving strategies for better behavior!
3. Targeted tools to tackle your biggest challenges!
Course | Classroom Management Makeover
- Paid
Kady is the creator of Teacher Trap who has been hooked on teaching for over 20 years. Kady creates resources to make the toughest job in the world a little easier!
Price and shipping costs are indicative. Please click on the buy button to see the exact price.