Platform for Primary School Teachers

Book | Kelly the Crab Read-Aloud book

Provider: Kidiyo
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Elementary school Book | Kelly the Crab Read-Aloud book

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Kelly the Crab is known from the Kidiyo series. Kelly experiences the most exciting adventures. When she suddenly loses her family, she desperately wants to find them again. She gets help from all the other sweet animals in the sea and on land. She learns about crabs, deep in the sea and on land. And she learns that exciting things don't always have to be scary!

Written by Benjamin Ryan.

Product Specificaties

ISBN: 9789082951516
Language: Dutch
Binding: Hardcover
Print: 1
Dimensions: A5 (148 x 210 mm)
Number of pages: 30
Recommended age: 2 to 6 years


Author: Benjamin Ryan
Designer: Raissa Colonetti
Publisher: Kidiyo / Kids Worldwide Edutainment

Eduye Product ID: 39573

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